About La Casa Church
We Are A Community
We Are Disciples
We Are Nations
La Casa Church is a multiethnic, multilingual, and multigenerational community of disciples making disciples at home (Nashville) and in the nations.
We believe that everyone needs a home and everyone needs a church, that is why we thrive to create an environment where you can experience God while feeling at home with us.
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
Mathew 28:19
We value community. We worship together, we eat together, we do life together.

Jesus commissioned his disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19).
We believe that a disciple is a follower of Christ that helps others to follow Christ.
We are part of a global movement of churches called Every Nation. The vision of Every Nation is to establish Christ centered, Spirit empowered and socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.
As part of that family of churches we intentionally reach out, embrace and welcome the nations living among us.

Our Pastors
From Fikri Youssef - Sr. Pastor
Born and raised in Cairo, Egypt. Had a personal encounter with Christ at age 15, where God called me to leave everything behind and follow Him. Few weeks later I was on a plane crossing the Atlantic to the other side of the world. Bolivia, South America. In Bolivia, I started serving Jesus at age, preaching the Gospel everywhere. From there the Lord opened doors for me to preach the Gospel all over Latin America and beyond. Studied and graduated from The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, where I met my beautiful wife Margot. After graduation we got married, and together we have been planting & pastoring churches in Bolivia and the United States.
For years we served alongside Dr. Rice Broocks doing God’s Not Dead events on University campuses across the world, where we saw thousands of students come to Christ.
At the beginning of 2019 the Lord led us to leave behind everything we were doing in the nations and plant La Casa Church in Nashville, TN. We launched La Casa on September 1, 2019 and today we continue to lead this amazing multiethnic, multilingual church together.
We have one daughter (Amira) and we are honored to serve the Lord together as a family at La Casa.
Margot has a Masters in Theological Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary.
Fikri is a Doctor of Ministry candidate at Asbury Theological Seminary.